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Den lör 1 mars 2025 kl 18:52 skrev Lesley <>:

Good evening!

I hope you can help me with the following. Please see screenshot of text

I have a multi-page document that contains unnecessary returns  between
paragraphs. I want to delete the extra returns. In other software, I can
enter the code for the enter return mark in the find field (e.g. ^p^p)
and the replace it with just the one mark ^p.  I am struggling to find a
way to a) instruct it to find two enter return marks or a return mark
with a space in front and b) replace two for one. Are you able to help
please? I keep getting an error message when I try.

Any and all  help greatly appreciated!

Read up on Regular Expressions in the LibreOffice Help files. You should
find all you need to do this task in there.
One place to start could be in the Find/replace dialogue. Just press the
Help button. That will open a new web browser window or tab, and you can
navigate from there.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Kind regards,
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