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That's the odd thing.  I can't select any text, so it isn't text colour.

Thane K. Sherrington

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On 23-Feb-2025 5:00 a.m., Steve Edmonds wrote:
If you try to select some text that is not showing and copy it can you paste it to another application. I vaguely recollect a long time ago my font colour switching to white so the text was there but I couldn't see it, not even sure this was in LO either.

On 23/02/25 10:07 am, Thane K. Sherrington wrote:
I've run into this a few times after updates - but after the most recent update, I've seen it twice. When I open a document in Writer, there's nothing onscreen (or occasionally there is scrambled text at the top of the screen (it looks like the entire document has been compressed into two lines.   The word and letter count shows at the bottom, so the document is still here  I've tried removing the LibreOffice folder from %appdata% but that makes no difference.  The only solution I've found is to uninstall LibreOffice, delete the folders from %ProgramFiles% and %AppData% and reinstalling. That works, but it's a bit of a pain.  Any faster fixes would be greatly appreciated.

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