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Hi Elaine,

As you will know by now (from your list mail), this list does not handle attachments. If 
attachments are indispensable, you could post your question to Like 
this list, it is monitored by volunteers who share what they know from their own experience. They 
will need to know your operating system and LO version. Meanwhile, I think the best answer to your 
question about autosave features is here:

Kind regards,

On 2025-02-26 10:45, Elaine Jarvis wrote:
I am assisting my father with this request (he is included on this thread)Attached is a screenshot 
of the version information from his PC.
This is a description of what he was doing at the time of the incident

Whilst continuing to write the Story which had 84 pages of text to date, I had probably typed 
another page when noticed a wrong letter, so I think I deleted same, but must have hit by accident 
possibly Ctrl or maybe another key.
The complete text disappeared and was replaced by a white screen as though it was ready to be 
typed.  Unable to find original document.
Both of us have tried to replicate these steps and not able to reproduce.
I found the following on google

LibreOffice Backup Copy Recovery-From the How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Libreoffice 

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How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Libreoffice Document[2025]

Check out this article if you want to learn LibreOffice document recovery. Don’t worry you will 
find your docume...



Recovery of unsaved documents

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Recovery of unsaved documents

Hi there - I was working on a five page document and had not got round to saving it. I 
absent-mindedly closed th...



What are the "autosave" options, and where is work saved?

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What are the "autosave" options, and where is work saved?

Would be happy if someone could tell me if there is any place where the data could be and how to 
autosave. I ju...



  So I was wondering if there are any other locations we might be able to access?
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Elaine Jarvis for Peter Edwards

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