On Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:54:13 -0600
Bruce <ohbehavebt@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Bruce,
Can someone, anyone, everyone, please help???
If you want page numbers on all pages, do as others have suggested.
However, based on what you say, you want page numbering to start at page
two, *without* a number appearing on page one.
Open 'Manage Page Styles' (F11) and create a new style. Ensure it does
not have a footer.
Give it an obvious name.
Exit the Style Manager.
On any page, from the Insert menu, select Page Number... (bear with me)
This will (by default) insert a page number at the centre of the footer
of each page.
Go to page one, and right click anywhere on the page or, alternatively,
press <Alt><Shift>P
Set the page style to that which you just created.
Page one will now have no page number. Page two and up will be numbered
as such - assuming you have done the above correctly, and I haven't
messed up the method.
Regards _ "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
/ ) "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
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Staring At The Rude Boys - The Ruts
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