Hi Eva,
FYI this list prefers English. The translation I get is:
Good afternoon. I contact you because I need help. I'm desperate!! Every time I'm doing some work
with libreoffice calc it closes the program and it doesn't let me advance, I keep the changes but
when I recover the document not all changes are saved. I have to do a job and there is no way to
move forward because it closes. Could you help me please, I'm learning and I don't understand what
may be happening. Thank you, best regards.
To get things moving it would be good if you could give us a few details about your environment -
operating system (windows/linux) and version of Libre Office? How big is the document you are
It sounds like the program is crashing while you are using it is that correct?
On Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 4:12 AM, Eva Sampayo <eva.samba2902@gmail.com> wrote:
Buenas tardes.
contacto con vosotros porque necesito ayuda.Estoy desesperada!!
Cada vez que estoy haciendo algún trabajo con libreoffice calc se me cierra
el programa y no me deja avanzar,voy guardando los cambios pero cuando
recupero el documento no están todos los cambios guardados.Tengo que hacer
un trabajo y no hay manera de avanzar porque se cierra.Podrian ayudarme
porfavor,estoy aprendiendo y no entiendo que puede estar pasando.
Gracias un saludo.
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