My problem with the keyboard-switching shortcut is, I'm now sure, probably
a LibreOffice problem. It does not occur in applications like emacs or vi,
or in a terminal, or in gedit, or in Abiword. It's a problem that may sound
trivial, but it is a major problem to me, since I spend a great deal of my
time writing documents that consist of English (or other modern European
language) text interspersed with polytonic (classical) Greek. Prior to this
problem, making the switch involved just a keystroke (well, a two-key
stroke, super+space), with no need to move my hands away from the keyboard.
Now, I have to drag the mouse cursor to the spot in the text I was just at
and click. That's an annoyance for touch typing. As things are now, I'll
switch Greek while writing and automatically continue typing without
remembering that the cursor has disappeared (so those keystrokes go
nowhere). If no one has a solution, it would be helpful to me if someone at
least can verify it happens for them as well: if it really is just my
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 2:51 PM T. R. Valentine <>
On Mon, 10 Feb 2025 at 14:16, Philip Jackson <>
I use LO under linux (but not Pop_OS). In my linux distro, the keyboard
shortcut for changing inputs is a System setting and NOT a LibreOffice one.
Same here.
I'd be pretty certain that the system update you mentioned is
responsible for the disappearance of your shortcut.
You can probably re-make it by delving into your System Settings.
Yep ... it would take some adjustment, but I'd recommend whatever
keyboard shortcut you choose for changing keyboards should not use the
Super key. (I use both Shift keys pressed simultaneously.)
T. R. Valentine
A rich heart may be under a poor coat.
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