El mar, 11-02-2025 a las 10:10 +0100, Philip Jackson escribió:
Hi Charles;
On 11/02/2025 02:59, charles meyer wrote:
Hi All,
I visits sies and grab graphics (.jpgs, .png, et.) and copy/paste
then into
Libre Writer.
The problem is the 1st page will fill and I can't paste anymore in
as a 2nd
page doesn't open up.
I went to an arbitrary website, did Ctrl-A to copy all the article.
Did Ctrl-V to paste it in at the top of a blank first page in a new
Writer doc. And it filled 23 pages in a few seconds without any
problem. Some images need resizing afterwards but the creation of
new pages flowed automatically.
It is not clear, but I think that the OP is copying only the images
and, as someone noted, the problem is anchoring, or at least that the
photo remaining selected after pasting --and with a new doc, no
additional pages or lines are present.
I have not tested this fully, but I just now copied and pasted a photo.
It sized to the margins in this case, but the photo remained selected,
meaning that you need to move the cursor to the line below the photo.
In my quick and dirty experiment, moving to the end of the file
(dedicated key or Fn-Down on many laptops) moved the cursor after the
photo from which you can add another image, text, a page break or
whatever. The other tactic mentioned in another reply, creating a line
or page break first and pasting above it, should work as well.
Charles, let us know if these methods work for you.
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