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Hi Charles,

charles meyer schrieb am 02.02.2025 um 17:23:
I've Googled this and all the results say this ....

To change to single spacing - Format > Paragraph > Indents & Spacing -
change Line Spacing to Single click OK.
The text remains double spaced.

Make sure, that your line is not in fact a paragraph. When you have formatting problems, you should activate "Formatting Marks".

Even when I checkmark Activate Line Spacing - same result.
Do you mean "Activate Page Line Spacing"? That activates aligning the lines to a baseline grid defined by the paragraph style, that is set in the page properties. That is not what you are looking for. Uncheck it.

If I place the cursor at the end of a line and hit Enter - it re-positions
the cursor 2 lines down, not one.

If you hit Enter, you finish a paragraph. The vertical distance between this current paragraph and the previous paragraph is the maximum of the "Spacing Below" of the previous paragraph and "Spacing Above" of the current paragraph. Spacing between paragraphs is totally different from line spacing.

Miss those WP reveal codes.
Do you know the "Style Inspector" in the sidebar?

You should describe your problem on Ask. There you can attach a document that has these problems for you. And you should test the problematic document with a daily build. Such can be installed alongside the regular build.

Kind regards,

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