Yes, that's the problem I've had. Glad it wasn't just me missing something
I've stumbled into a workaround that seems to have given me back access to
accept / reject changes. I downloaded the document to a stick, opened it
in MS Word in a different PC, which allowed me to make changes. Then saved
it back to the stick. When I reopened it on my laptop in Libre Office, and
now have some access. Sufficient for me to complete my work on the
I have know idea why this works, or if it will continue. I would like to
disable tracking entirely for this document, but I cannot find any option
to do this. And having got some functionality back, I'm hesitant to mess
with it any further!
Many thanks.
On Fri, 31 Jan 2025 at 23:20, Gabriele Bertolucci <> wrote:
I confirm the problem with Writer on Linux
I've set a password in
Edit -> Track changes -> Protect
then saved the document and closed Writer.
If I reopen the document and make any change, this is graphically
rendered with underline and different text color.
It seems I cannot remove the previously set password. No error, but no
effect if I try to "unprotect" track changes.
This way I cannot accept or reject changes.
I can only choose not to show them.
I've put a password on 'Track Changes', but it does not seem to be
accepting it, which means that I can no longer accept or reject any track
changes on my document. I have tried closing and re-opening the document
but that hasn't worked.
Gabriele Bertolucci
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