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Hi Dave,

I've had that problem when copying text from another location. The copy carried over unwanted, 
invisible, characteristics which affected and prevented further formatting. My solution was to be 
sure when I pasted a copied item into a new document to paste as unformatted text only - ie  


On 31/01/2025 02:52, Dave Liesse wrote:
And some interesting follow-on...

I just went back to that document to confirm what I said previously, and it worked fine, but now it won't 
revert to single spacing when I tell it to!  I set it to single spacing, typed a line, and it skipped 1.5 
lines.  Tried again but changed after typing the line and before pressing <Enter>, same thing.  
Even if I have a sequence of blank, single space lines, typing on one of them without adjusting the 
spacing again results in 1.5 lines.

I won't detail all my test steps here, but I'm willing to bet that when I cut and paste the 
character it's picking up the line formatting, as well, and overruling any other changes.  Again, 
not what I would expect -- but that's what seems to be the issue.  The original character copy was 
before formatting the line, so it would have picked up the single spacing if this theory is correct.


On Thu, Jan 30, 2025, at 5:33 PM, Dave Liesse wrote:
All these things I meant to put in the original message!

LO version 24.5.2, running on Windows 11.

On the first line I'm inserting the character from the Special Character menu since I don't have the Unicode 
for that one memorized, then I'm copying it to the clipboard.  Go to Format ... Paragraph and change Line 
Spacing to 1.5 lines.  Press <Enter> at the end of the line and I get only single space.  Same thing each 
additional line, except for using <Ctrl-V> to insert the box.  In all cases there's a tab after the box 
(I'm just creating a quick-and-dirty checklist).

Staying in the same document, I can type normally without inserting the box and the line spacing 
stays at 1.5 lines from paragraph to paragraph.  That's why I'm wondering if the special character 
is doing something to mess it up.

The workarounds are (a) type the line, press <Enter>, then go back and change the format again (and 
do it for each line), or (b) type all the lines, then select them all and apply the format.  Neither is 
ideal, but they work.


On Thu, Jan 30, 2025, at 5:01 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
What are your actual steps as I can't reproduce this.
How/when do you insert the □. When you say "adding the character undoes
the paragraph formatting" does this mean that if you insert the box into
a line spaced at 1.5 it instantly reverts to spacing 1. Are you pasting
special, unformatted, or inserting the box with Insert>Special
character. Steve
On 31/01/25 7:25 am, Dave Liesse wrote:
Just curious as to whether this is working as designed.  It's certainly not what I would expect.

I'm putting together a quick-and-dirty Writer document, not worth the effort of creating a style 
just for the one document (and currently not on my normal computer, which is in the shop, so no 
point, anyway).  I want 1.5 line spacing, so I go to the paragraph formatting and set it up.  
Worked fine in a different document yesterday.

Today, though, every time I pressed <Enter> to end the paragraph it reverted to single line 
spacing.  I determined this is because I'm starting each line with a special character ( □ ).  If I leave 
it out everything works as expected, but adding the character undoes the paragraph formatting.

Again, just curious as to whether this is to be expected (and, if so, maybe why).

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