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On 29/01/2025 02:56, Philip Jackson wrote:
On 28/01/2025 01:12, Barrie Rowland-hornblow wrote:
I'm currently trying to change the pt size between paragraphs across my
entire document, I've currently got 8pt and am trying to change it to 6pt
is there a way to update the size on the entire document rather than
individually clicking between each space and changing the pt size.

Easy if you have used the same paragraph style throughout. Position your cursor in one of the paragraphs. Go to the menu item Styles > Edit Style > Indents and spacing tab. There you'll find a section "Spacing" where you can set a value. Then click 'Apply' and it will modify all your paragraphs.

If you have used different paragraph styles in the document, you'll need to repeat this for each style used.

You can also access this ability to change style settings in the right hand sidebar. If you don't have this visible, you can open it with View > Sidebar or Ctrl+5.
If per chance you have spaced the paragraphs by typing ENTER on an empty line (it possibly sounds like this as you can click on it and change the character size) then you could possibly perform a search and replace to remove this line (which is it's own paragraph) then space the remaining paragraphs as Philip suggests. If the document is not too big it might be quicker to just go through and delete those lines used as spacing before modifying the paragraph style.

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