On 09/01/25 17:02, Paula Björninen wrote:
Is there any hope of getting a proper spell checker working for the Finnish version of LibreOffice
I was stupid enough to update my old LibreOffice. Now can't check spelling anymore. The Finnish
spell checking works on another computer of mine with an older version of LibreOffice, but not on
the new one.
Sometime, the new version of the software has this kind of issue, which
is related to the extremely large number of dictionaries bundled with
the software. With the previous new version the spell checker not
working was the Italian one.
Of course, this is annoying for Windows users (as in the case of many
issues, this kind of problems happen only on Windows). There is a quick
solution, though, as you can install the Finnish spell checker yourself
by downloading from the following link:
I am sure that developers will solve the issue with the next release of
LibreOffice, which will be out in February/March.
Best regards
Italo Vignoli - italo@vignoli.org
mobile/signal/whatsapp +39.348.5653829
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