MINA() just returns the minimum value same as MIN() does. It doesn't help to provide the address
of the cell concerned.
On 02/01/2025 18:50, Wade Smart wrote
What about MINA?
On Thursday 02 January 2025 10:13:57 AM (-06:00), Philip Jackson wrote:
> I'm looking for some help in defining the formula to locate the address of the cell with the
minimum value in an array in a Calc spreadsheet.
> > I've been using this formula to return the address of the cell with the maximum value in the
array B6:U17
> > =ADDRESS(MAX((B6:U17=MAX(B6:U17))*ROW(B6:U17)), MAX((B6:U17=MAX(B6:U17))*COLUMN(B6:U17)))
> > Saved of course as an array formula using Shift+Ctrl+return which wraps it in {}.
> > This has worked well for a long time. Now I wish to locate the address of the cell with the
minimum value. My simple logic thought that changing MAX for MIN in the above formula would give me the
result but it produces an ERR 502 (Invalid argument) which I don't understand.
> > Can someone correct me here, please?
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