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No, I tried to run them both on the same M2 powered Apple Silicon Mac. Intel executables are able to run on Apple Silicon Macs using Rosetta 2. You are correct that an Apple Silicon version would not run on an Intel machine, but that is not the case here.

On 2024-12-19 1:08 p.m., Philip Jackson wrote:
On 19/12/2024 17:50, Robert Zuccherato wrote:

When version 24.8.4 of LibreOffice came out today, I downloaded it to my Mac using the version for Apple Silicon.  It installed fine, so the file wasn't corrupt.  When I went to open it, though, I received a message, """ is damaged and can't be opened.  You should move it to the Trash."  I downloaded it again and received the same message.  I was able to successfully download, install and run the Intel Mac version.  There appears to be a problem with the Apple Silicon download.  Could this please be fixed?

    Robert Zuccherato.
I suppose you are talking about two different machines, one with an Apple processor and one with an Intel processor? You certainly shouldn't expect the Apple silicon version to work on an Intel powered machine.


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