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If you have a lot of data and not much calculating, I suggest that you

 * save your file as a "csv" and a different {name}
 * Open both (use "xls" as reference for formulas)
 * Add formulas to "{name}.csv", confirm calculations are happening
   properlyand save as "{name}.ods"
 * close "xls"
 * Open "{name}.ods" and confirm calculations are happening correctly,
   save as "xls" with {new} name
 * Open "{new}.xls" and see how long it takes.

Hopefully it will strip out the load error and any cruft accumulated over time.

Note: Copy/Paste from XLS to ODS might work but CSV probably has less possible aberrations.

You will still have to check the "{new}.xls" to confirm it is correct.

If you find a difference, submit findings and reply here so others know what to look out for.

Hope this helps


On 11/27/24 12:03, Richard England wrote:
Are you saving this file as an Excel formatted file (file.xlsx)? If so I wonder if the conversion from Excel into (and out of) Libreoffice spread sheet format ( .ods )  is taking extra time.

An experiment to determine if my guess is accurate would be to save a copy of the spreadsheet as .ods and see if the load time is better when opening it.

Might be worth the time if only to pin down the cause.

Non fenestras quia MCMXC

On 11/24/24 19:32, Paul wrote:
   I am using LibreOffice, but it takes a long time to load and save large Excel files. I am running Windows 11 Pro with 96 GB RAM and a 4 TB SSD. Can you provide a step-by-step guide to speed up the time it takes to load and
save large Excel files?

*Filesize*: 191 KB
*Version*: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community

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