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On 11/26/24 15:39, Joe Conner wrote:
My writer defaults to A4 size paper. I have been trying to make it default to Letter size unsuccessfully.

My defaults are already set to U.S. English, so why doesn't it modify the default style?

Thank you. Joe

To change the default new page size (created when you create a new Writer document) try the following steps:

1. Create a new document (which uses the current default template)
2. Change the page size to whatever desired (Format > Page Style > Page
    > Format)
3. Click “OK” (to confirm the changes)
4. In the main menu bar: File > Templates > Save as Template
5. Enter a template name.
6. Choose a template category, such as My Templates.
7. Ensure the “Set as default template” checkbox is checked.
8. Click “Save”
9. Close this template document window.
10. Create a new document; it should be of the page size that you specified.

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