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On 11/22/24 10:36, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
On 21/11/2024 15:41, Scott Gilbert wrote:
You've provided no way at all for me to tell you this on your website, so
I'm doing it through email: your app has stopped responding. If I open a
doc and close it, the taskbar icon does not work and I can't open another doc unless I restart the computer first. This is a pain in my ass, and it's also just the latest in a laundry list of issues. Reddit confirmed for me that people have known for years that your app is a piece of crap, and it's
apparent that you don't care.

If you actually want to improve your product, you really ought to provide a
way for people to contact and notify you. Case in point: I had to Google
'Libreoffice contact' just to get this freaking address. Sending us to a
"forum" and demanding that we scroll through all this shit looking for a
question that "matches ours" so we can find the answer is a good damn way to tell us that you can't be bothered with "feedback" and prefer the little
people figure it out on their own.

Screw you, I'm on to another word processor. Y'all can shove this garbage.

Where do these creatures crawl from?

You probably don't want to know. :-/

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