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Hello Peter,

Peter Hurst schrieb am 18.10.2024 um 11:51:
I recently downloaded the latest version. I have been using it for several
years. When I downloaded the new version I noticed you were requesting
help. I had a look at the sort of things I might be asked to do but do not
feel competent to offer help in that way.

However, I would like to make a suggestion regarding the use of colour in
the app. I am involved with a UK Macular Society Support Group and know
that one of the things that visually impaired people find difficult is
colour differentiation. Seeing as there were some 178m people worldwide
diagnosed with AMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration) in 2016 and that this
figure is predicted to rise to 288m in 2040 and is only one, though
probably the largest by number, of many  types of visual impairment,
consideration of their disability should be given when designing updates.
The use of pastel colours can be particularly difficult and the size of
icons  should be considered also. Please see attached image to get an idea
of what I am speaking about. The top image is what a normally sighted
person would see.
You can try the icon-theme offered by

Kind regards,

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