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On 26/08/24 10:03 pm, aguador wrote:
El lun, 26-08-2024 a las 17:02 +1200, Steve Edmonds escribió:
On 26/08/2024 12:17, Steve Edmonds wrote:
On 24/08/2024 12:08, Steve Edmonds wrote:
On 22/08/2024 22:46, Dave Howorth wrote:
On Thu, 22 Aug 2024 07:44:13 +1200
Steve Edmonds<>  wrote:

I am sure this must have come up before but can't locate any
discussion. In writer the same odt file presents different
character spacing between different PCs. This means sharing
document for editing is not necessarily possible.
In the manual I am editing at present the difference adds 4
The font used is installed from the same font file. Nothing
inherited from the default paragraph style.
It seems likely to have something to do with the font you are
using, so
more details would be helpful. When considering different
what do you mean by 'the same font file'?

Specifically what is the full path of the font file, and have
compared the files on the different machines (using e.g. diff)?

Also what versions of writer are you using?

Thanks for the tips

Versions of Writer.
PCs with wider character spacing.
Linux Opensuse 15.5, LO, Intel and Nvidia graphics card
Macbook Air, Monterey 12.7.6, LO

PCs with narrower spacing.
Linux Opensuse 15.5, LO, Intel and Nvidia graphics card
Windows Laptop, Win 10.0, LO

The Font is Roboto-Regular.ttf.
The font was installed from the same .ttf file. The Macbook (with
wide spacing) and the Win10 laptop (narrow spacing) both have
the one version of Roboto-Regular.ttf, the same size.

The Opensuse machines both have the same font as above installed
The Opensuse machine displaying closer characters has a different
version of the font in

The Opensuse machine displaying wider spaced characters has a
different version of the font in ./fonts/truetype/Roboto-
This may be the issue, I will remove it and check.

The duplicate of the font has been removed from the Opensuse
displaying wider spaced characters and no difference is observed
making this PC the same as the Macbook with only one copy of the

I have done a little more detailed comparison between the document on
the Macbook and the Linux machine displaying narrower character
The line spacing on the Macbook is also greater than on the Linux
machine, I get 2 fewer lines on a page.
Is there a setting that affects the font size that overrides the
paragraph style, no character style is applied.

Hi Steve,

This is probably not it, but in work for a translation client who
produces large files I discovered that on one of my machines in
Settings>Load>General I had the first box ticked that applies the users
format to the document. That was slowing the loading time and changing
the number of pp.

I would also check that the compatibility options for Writer are the
same on your machines.

Interesting problem. Hope you find the solution.


Thanks Roy. I may have a way to resolve the issue.
Settings>Load>General are the same. Compatibility options are the same. Thanks for the suggestions.
In short, the document with the issue has paragraphs that are bulleted 
using the bullet button in the tool bar. I found that by turning these 
bullets off and using a bullet list style instead adjusted to the same 
measurements as the button list the document that showed wider character 
spacing and increased line spacing on the mac now displays the same as 
the Linux and Win10 machines with the narrower character spacing. I will 
check the other Linux machine tomorrow.

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