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I don't know if there is a good answer to this
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On 7/6/24 19:04, wrote:
I just subscribed to this forum tonight so I could ask this question.
I am a long-time user of Linux Mint and LibreOffice.  I have low vision, so
I use a large default font size and have my default screen magnification
set to 150%.  Recently, I did a clean upgrade to Linux Mint 21.3.  I was
easily able to adjust the scrollbar width on my browsers, but the
scrollbars in LibreOffice are so narrow that I can barely see them.
Increasing the screen magnification unfortunately doesn't change the width
of the scrollbars.  I spent most of the day today working in LibreOffice
Calc, and I must have missed both the vertical and the horizontal
scrollbars hundreds of times.  Very frustrating!  I have spent the evening
researching fixes for this, but the suggestions I found were all several
years old, and none of them seem to be working on Mint 21.3.  Can you
suggest a way to make the scrollbars wider globally across LibreOffice?

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