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On Mon, 2024-06-24 at 21:04 +0200, Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi Harvey,

download the three packages from LO: one for main program, one for 
language and one for help.
Unzip this packages in a folder.
Create a folder "my_rpms" in you home directory for the *.rpm-files.
Move all rpm-files from the unzipped packages to "my_rpms".
Start Yast.
Start Software-Repositories
Add "my_rpms" as a repository, folder only without description …
Start "Install Software"
Unistall all the LibreOffice installations, which appear in Yast.
Chose the new version from the new "repository" (your folder).
Install and ignore the warnings "files might be corrupt". It always 
apperas for every file in this folder.


Hi Robert,

Great stuff. Thanks. You are sooo helpful.:-)
Do you mean to move all the individual 46 rpm files tor the my_rpms
repo, or the 3 rpm folders? Or does it not matter?


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