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Hi James,

James schrieb am 22.06.2024 um 22:12:
I am having trouble with vlookup.
I put a test file at:

The spreadsheet is:
One    $1    1%
Two    $2    2%
Three    $3    3%
current    $2    2%    #N/A

C4 contains =VLOOKUP(B4,B1:C3,2,0) which works.
D4 contains =VLOOKUP(C4,A1:C3,1,0) which displays #N/A but I want it to display whatever is in column A of the matching row.
"Two" in this case.

VLOOKUP cannot access a column that is before the left-most column of the lookup-range, and the left-most column of the lookup-range is always the column, where the value is searched.

Whatenever I change B4, D4 should display the matching row of column A/

This can be done with a combination of MATCH with OFFSET or a combination of MATCH with INDEX.

For the combination of MATCH with OFFSET you need to add a row of labels before your data.

      ColA     colB     ColC
Row1  labelA   labelB   labelC
Row2  One      $1       1%
Row3  Two      $2       2%
Row4  Three    $3       3%
Row5  current  $2       see below

formula in cell C5
=OFFSET(A1; MATCH(B5;B2:B4;0);0)

A1 is the reference cell. To its position OFFSET adds the row difference and the column difference. MATCH returns 2. Thus the returned value is from cell column A+0, row 1+2, that is from cell A3.

For the combination of MATCH with INDEX you need no label row.
      ColA     colB     ColC
Row1  One      $1       1%
Row2  Two      $2       2%
Row3  Three    $3       3%
Row4  current  $2       see below

formula in cell C4
= INDEX(A1:C3;MATCH(B4;B1:B3;0);1)
Index uses the position row|col whereby the left-top cell in the reference area A1:C3 has the position 1|1. Thus position 2|1 is the cell A2.

The upcoming version 24.8 will have a function XLOOKUP. With that function the lookup range and the return range are separated.
=XLOOKUP(B4; B1:B3; A1:A3)

(My parameter separator is a semicolon. You need to adapt the formulas to use your parameter separator.)

Kind regards,

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