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Good afternoon

On 2024/06/05 20:12, W. Robert J. Funnell, Prof. wrote:
Thomas -

In the 'Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography' dialogue window, in the 'Type' tab, under 'Create 
From', is the 'Additional styles' box unchecked?

No, it was checked. I did that before. Apparently, you DO HAVE to check it and assign OTHER STYLES than those of the headings. They are designed to provide some extra space, font size etc. for chapter headings.
Using them creates a total mess.
Where the inclusion of ALL paragraphs comes from I still have not figured out.

The solution to my basic problem:
Use / create other paragraph styles, in my case I tried "contents", set font size, indent etc. and I got a single-spaced TOC.

The LO manual says:
"*Additional styles
*You *_can _*add more paragraph styles to the TOC. This *_can _*be useful, for example, when you want to include the heading of an annex (appendix) in the TOC."

Apparently you MUST these extra paragraph styles to make the TOC work.
When I first tried to set up a TOC, clutching the manual, I did not give that wording a second thought, since there
are a lot of things you "can" but do not have to do.

Well, for the time being I solved the problem, hoping to remember it until the next time.
Thank you.

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