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Good evening
I am clutching a printed section of the Writer manual dealing the TOC ... but cannot make it work. Searching the net, I did find a LOT of things, but the instructions there "... click xx and there you go" do not seem to work either.
Windows 10, LibreOffice
200-page document with heading 1 and heading 2 sections supposed to be entered automatically into the TOC. I once HAD it, but removed it, because submitting the file to an ePub publisher should not have a TOC (that's what their manual said).
Now I am preparing a print version and would like to have it back.
Previously it was a 1.5-page long TOC consisting of said headings.
Now the same TOC is 16 (!) pages long with giant spaces between the items AND each item is listed twice. I have been struggling with this for hours on end, but so far nothing I tried improved things.
If there is a trick to do this, please let me know.

Thank you

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