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Hi Thomas,

create a new paragraph style as an offshoot of Default. The only change you make in it is the alignment to "Centered".

Once you have anchored your image "As character" (the it is left), double-click on the new paragraph style to center the image again.

Kind regards

Am 28.05.2024 um 15:44 schrieb Thomas Blasejewicz:
I am struggling to create a file suitable for publication as an ePub format book. The publisher has all sorts of requirements and I just cannot get them right.
Windows 10, Libreoffice

One problem:
I am trying to meet the requirement of having images "in line with text" and centered.
From the publishers instructions:
"For best results, always be sure that your images are aligned “In Line with Text” and centered."

Well, when I anchor the image "as character" and then try to center them, the text of the entire book becomes centered. When I anchor the image "to character", suddenly the captions etc. appear on the left side and not below, where they are supposed to be.
Anchoring to paragraph make things still worse.

Searching the net, the proposed answer to this problem was "anchor as character" + center.
What is the trick to center ONLY the image, but not the entire text?

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