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Hi Harvey,

have tested with LO on OpenSUSE (original packages from LO):

Tools → Table Filter
Marked "All views" → OK
View → Refresh Tables
All tables and view could be seen, special "information_schema" and the database I have connected to.

Could save this and reopen → same behavior.

Then clicked in Tools → Table Filter on checkbox "information_schema" to unselect this tree.
Refreshing tables and "information_schema" couldn't be seen any more.

Then clicked in Tools → Table Filter on checkbox for the database, which is shown now to unselect this table.
Refreshing tables and the table couldn't be seen any more.

With direct connection "information_schema" won't be shown, but all databases I could connect to and input data. There it is indeed impossible to unselect a whole database. "test" appears here, but I could unselect all tables.

A little bit tricky to get back the tables, because they will disappear in the direct connection if I have unselected them. I have to unselect the table and select the table afterwords to see all tables - which are all selected then.

Seems to work better with JDBC than with direct connection.



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