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We have used a release based numbering scheme until 2023, and we have moved to a calendar based numbering scheme starting from 2024.

LibreOffice 7.6.7 is the last release of the LibreOffice 7.6 family, the last based on the old numbering scheme. LibreOffice 24.2.3 is the third release of the LibreOffice 24.2 family, the first based on the new numbering scheme.

On 15/05/24 08:42, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
On 2024/05/15 14:54, wrote:

Yes, you are missing something: this option is in LibreOffice, starting with 24.2. So upgrade to 24.2 and you will have it.
Probably I am a little stupid, but what is the difference between "24.2.3" and "7.6.7" (in my case 7.6.6).
These number look VERY different.

Or does it not really matter?
Thank you

Italo Vignoli -
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