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Dear LibreOffice,

        For my environmental conservation work I depend fairly often on your versatile programme and take this opportunity to express my gratitude for a valuable tool. _And_ for the support e-address you provide.

        Still, for the first time ever the software encountered problems yesterday as this report (which unhelpfully can only be imaged) details:

        May this indeed "help in improving LibreOffice".

        Your programme considers the .odt file "corrupted" and is unable to display it.  On-line Microsoft Word (which I don't have) /is/, however, able to do so.  As a last resort I may therefore have to OCR the whole thing back to text.  But other ideas you may have will be welcome.

        I remain unsure about whether a bug report is connected to the crash report.  Please let me know if anything else is needed from me.

        Best regards,

        Antonio Lambe

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