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FYI, on Fedora Linux using Libre Office there is a "Restart in Safe Mode" function on the
"help" pop down menu.  About halfway down the menu.  If you clicked this is may have a "leave safe
mode" or equivalent in the same place because I don't have the "Start in Test Mode" function on this

Hope that may be of some asistance.

On Wed, 2024-03-06 at 23:40 +0100, aguador wrote:

El mié, 06-03-2024 a las 23:16 +0100, Philip Jackson escribió:
Are you sure this isn't a Windows' problem? Typically it's Windows
that has stuff blocked and restricted to those with administrator

On 06/03/2024 22:56, Emily Scharf wrote:
I have used Libreoffice for years. But recently I downloaded it and
mistakenly - responded to an option for greater security.  This
turns out
to be 'administrator' which continually blocks me from anything but
read-only documents.

How do I turn off the 'administrator'?  I even tried to uninstall
download again and it is still happening with my documents..

If I cannot stop the 'administrator' I will be forced to use
programme (though I have used LibreOffice for years)

Thank you for your help.

Emily from London
Hi Emily,

I am not on LO 24 yet, but I suspect there is a way to do it from with
the program. Lacking that knowledge, the first thing that occurs to me
is to try with a new profile. Your profile remains even you re-install
or update and that is where your settings are saved.

You can test this by going to Help and choosing Start in Test Mode.
That will ignore your profile and, if it works, you can find your
LibreOffice profile folder and rename it. When you restart you will
have to redo your settings, although you can very likely copy most of
the components from your old folder.

Wish I could be more specific, but without knowing the OS or the latest
LO you're using, its a bit harder.

Hope this helps a bit,

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