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I recently ran into an issue with a new computer running under Windows 11 didn't recognize my valid Microsoft Office license from my previous computer so am trying to use your product. I'm running into trouble with getting Autocorrect to replace "---" with an em-dash and straight quotes with curly quotes. I've checked forums and done things as directed everyplace I found solutions including removing and re-installing (today, now have 7.5.4 rather than and it's just not working. Is it an issue with Windows 11? Please don't make me go back to Microsoft and subscribe to their stupid online Office app!
Thank you

Karen Webb


Say: Step out of Thy holy chamber, O Maid of Heaven, inmate of the Exalted Paradise! Drape thyself 
whatever manner pleaseth Thee in the silken Vesture of Immortality, and put on, in the name of the
All-Glorious, the broidered Robe of Light!

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