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Ubuntu linux 23.04

LibreOffice but earlier as well

I've seen this come up from time to time. It's pretty rare for me. Once in a great (thankfully) while, when I open a Writer document (I keep mine in DOCX), the Writer icon on the dashboards says Writer fired up and is running, but I don't see the window. Turns out, the window is there, it's just very small, like a few pixels wide and few longer long. It's so small I didn't even see it at first. I had to start minimizing windows until I ran across this little line at the top of the screen which responded by display the double headed arrow for size altering when I moused over it.
Up until just a few minutes ago, I thought this was restricted to LO 
Apparently not. The same problem just occurred with my Thunderbird mailer.

Was there ever a resolution to this issue?


Chris Johnson
Ex SysAdmin, now, writer /You've got to be honest; if you can fake that, you've got it made.
/(George Burns)

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