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On Wed, Jan 31, 2024, 6:03 PM Michael Tiernan <>

1) I'm going to (next time I try this) start by duplicating any style I
want to use and prefix it with my project name so I can keep them easier to

Now that I understand it better I'll answer the two questions I got in the

If one of my styles uses a predefined style like default paragraph text and
someone else changes that they won't know that it affects the rest of the
document so if I use a prefixed name cut off any connection to the other

So, yes I use a prefix with my styles and I tried to separate the "inherit
from thing and chain them to each other as best I can.

I have a template for each chapter/topic and I am trying to load changes in
styles into that and then I can propagate that across the sections. It's
ugly but the best I cand with my limited experience. (It also allows me to
document the procedure for updating the manual for those less versed in it.)

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