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Mike Scott wrote:
On 08/02/2024 18:14, Fred James wrote:
Mike Scott wrote:
Hi all. I've just been looking at making pdf forms with Writer. Easier than I'd thought.
I've been able to create a sample form with text fields and open 
this with xreader, evince or firefox. Firefox is able to display, 
edit and save a form whatever the content.
However, evince and xreader refuse to even show data for radio 
buttons or a checkbox control and will not alter the settings. 
Similarly, pdftotext does not print the setting of such a control.
Oh, and is there any known way (CLI) of extracting the data fields from a pdf form? pdftotext seems rather ham-fisted: surely there's something better!

Apologies if this is too far OT; but any advice would be helpful, thanks.
Mike Scott
Sorry ... not much experienece with LO pdf forms, or LO forms in general, but should very much like to know how your forms might function under Okular.  I am willing to try testing that for you, if you could send one of your forms to me attached to an email, but if you have access to Okular, your results would do as well.

Thanks for replying and for the offer. I've now installed Okular, and it does (once forms are enabled) allow editing and saving of the form. Presumably, evince and xreader are both buggy.
As well as my own efforts to see how things tick, I've also used the 
examples at the foot of this useful instructional page:

It still leaves the question of how to extract the data from the completed form. Perhaps I've not hit the right keyword, but I've found /nothing/ on the net. Surely if there's a way of filling in a form, there's one of reading it!!
Mike Scott
Thank you for your reply on the Okular results ... that answers my question, and I appreciate it.
As to extracting data in CLI, my first thought would be to use BASH 
scripting, Sed or Gawk (or a combination thereof) ... even the Vi editor 
has some search ability. ... does that help?
Fred James

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