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Charles -

I'm afraid that I don't understand what you mean.

For one thing, 'indent' refers to having the beginnings and/or the ends of lines spaced in from the 
margins, which doesn't seem to be what you mean.

If you're referring to wide white spaces between words in a line, the only time that happens with 
single space characters (that I can think of) is if (1) you're using full text justification (both 
the left and right sides of the text in a paragraph are aligned); and (2) you have a long string of 
unbroken text (e.g., a very long word or a URL) that must be wrapped onto the next line. That 
leaves a relatively small amount of text that needs to be stretched to fill the distance from 
margin to margin, resulting in wide spaces between words. That is more likely to happen if your 
text column is narrow.

Am I close to understanding what you mean?

- Robert

From: charles meyer <>
Sent: December 26, 2023 19:43
To: <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Libre Writer - Indents

Hi All,

Hope you're all enjoying good holiday cheer.

In Libre, is there a way to ensure that indents on each line go across the
page incrementally and  not huge indeed each time you press the Space Bar?

If not and you must use a Style, which Style have you found which gives you
incremental indeed in each line?

Thank you,


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