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On 28/11/2023 21:26, Budge wrote:
My problem is that I have enabled wrapping in the cells of a row and expected the longer text to 
start a new line and increase the height of the cell but this does not remain when I move to 
another line.

What is causing this and how can I correct it so two lines of text are shown in the selected cells?

The cells will expand in height to accept your text as you type. If you consider the cell height to 
be excessive, you can adjust its width.

But if you want to write two comments each on its own line of text within the same cell, after 
typing the first comment, place your cursor in the formula bar above the cells and create a new 
line by using shift+return. The first comment will vanish from the formula bar but remain in the 
cell and your further typing of the second comment will start on a new line in the cell.  Each 
comment might wrap on multiple lines depending on the width of the column.


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