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Ubuntu linux 23.10 and earlier, LO earlier.

I've made a master document. The end result is a DOCX. I get this by creating an ODT and then saving that as a the DOCX. So far so good.

However, the Master Document is read-only. This property propagates  to the ODT and the DOCX. I discovered this when my editor reported he couldn't add, delete, or modify text, he couldn't add comments, there was something else too but I don't remember just now. The point I'm making here is the DOCX was useless for the editorial process.

Is there a way to turn off/deactivate globally the read-only properties, all of them, so that the ODT and DOCX don't inherit them? Is there even a list of what all the read-only properties are?

Thank you.


Chris Johnson
Ex SysAdmin, now, writer        /Less is only more where more is no good.
/(Frank Lloyd Wright)

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