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That's going to be in the scanner software, which isn't part of
LibreOffice. Further the best (free) solution depends on what operating
system you are using.

I looked and there isn't anything in LibreOffice Plugins,  but there is an
OCR helper listed in OpenOffice extensions.  I don't know anything about
it, but the last time I tried the extensions in OpenOffice didn't work out
for me. There was a time (maybe OpenOffice 2.3?) where Dragon (Naturally
Speaking) had an extension that did voice recognition and tied into
scanning software I had with a (now 20 years ago) epson all-in-one. But
even then the OCR (turn image into text) was almost certainly provided by
the printer/scanner software, and not the plugin.

What you've described (in the other email) suggests that after an upgrade,
the scanner is using a windows provided driver, and not the drive that came
with the scanner.  You should seek that drive and the related software that
does OCR from the manufacturer.  It's likely it is no longer supported.  I
would NOT download drivers from anywhere except the manufacturer sight.
The real drivers are out there, but so are 1000 other malware fakes for
every real driver. telling them apart basically requires sacrificing a test
computer until you find the real one.  This is assuming you're on windows.

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 11:57 AM Kenneth Groninga <> wrote:

How do I scan a text document and save it and then later open it and edit

Kenneth Groninga

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