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A few details might change, but stories submissions to publishers and editors have pretty much the same characteristics, in the States anyway; 1.00 inch margin top and bottom, 1.25 inch margins right and left, Times Roman or Times New Roman font, 12pt, double spaced. Page numbers are helpful and I put mine right justified in the header and centered in the footer. Most want the title in the header right side. Some want the chapter title in the header, left side. Some want a table of contents which I read can be done in Write in the header I believe.

The first page of a chapter is a little different. There's some white space at he top (I put 6 double spaced lines), then an a chapter number or title, more white space (same), then a page by age repeat of the above first paragraph.

One would think this should be possible with a couple of styles.

I can change an existing paragraph style with no problem. But setting up a new one with the above attributes and getting it defined for entire page/story is eluding me for some reason. It's driving me nuts to the point that keep a couple blank formatted pages around as above and just copy them to new stories.

Is there a list of common mistakes I can look at to try figuring out I'm dong wrong?


Chris Johnson
Ex SysAdmin, now, writer /Nothing great is ever accomplished without passion.
/(George W.F. Hegel)

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