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Den fre 15 sep. 2023 kl 20:51 skrev charles meyer <>:

Suddenly every word processing file I've saved now has a Libre Office -
Writer icon next to it so if I try to open it that file only opens in Libre

What do you mean by ”suddenly”? After what happened?

How can I change that back to open with MS Word by default?

Anyway, this is about your operating system, not LibreOffice. Somehow way
or another, deliberately or not, you told your operating system to
associate a certain file type with LibreOffice Writer. Since you failed to
mention what operating system you are using I'll assume whatever I want,
but on the other hand you mentioned Word, so maybe Windows of some sort?
Then I'm out. The easiest way is probably to right click one of those files
and associate it with Word, just like with most operating systems, but I
don't have Windows, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask.

By the way, this question has been asked thousands of times here (I have no
idea why), so searching the archives would probably get you the answer you

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Thank you.

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