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Hi Budge:

For your item 1, placing an image of a signature in a document does nothing to render it secure 
unless you also use a digital signing process.

It is many rears since I used PGP so I don't recall well enough to give you a primer on the 
subject. What I would say is that you can sign any document with PGP but you wouldn't do it inside 
LO Writer. You would sign the file through your file explorer invoking the appropriate PGP 
incantation. This would not provide any physically visible signature line inside the .odt file but 
would provide you a separate 'signature file' which you could sent out with the signed file and the 
recipient could then use PGP to check that the file had not been altered in transit.

The recipient would have to be PGP aware and as you probably know, PGP is available for all 

The X509 type certification which you would invoke inside Writer requires that you first get some 
certification authority to provide you with an X509 certificate. These are the same sorts of certs 
that https websites use and SSL data transfers too. You would probably have to buy such a 
certificate. There are some free CA's (certification authorities) about. CAcert is one such, open 
source authority.  See    You can Google them.

For further help on using signatures with LO, see their help files. One good place to start is:

It takes time to get into this subject well enough to provide full document security. Bon courage!!

On 01/09/2023 10:19, budge wrote:
Hi Philip and thanks for the reply.

I am learning how to use these tools and trying to understand how the various options for signing 
and also securing documents.  I am using Linux (openSUSE) for all this but no doubt windows users 
as addressees will be viewing and reading.

I have two different objectives:-

1.    To insert a signature or rather an image of a signature in the right place in a document and in adding 
this signature image, render the document "signed" so that it cannot be altered without warnings or 

2.    To secure a document so that is cannot be read or amended by an unauthorised and, even if 
read by an unauthorised person, cannot be altered.

I can use PGP type encryption on emails etc already either to sign a message or to encrypt a 
message using my email client but am trying to work out how to do this with a LO document or 
spreadsheet which may need to be converted into a pdf.

Is there a simple step by step guide for this?

If I wish to store my private key for an LO signature will it go to the same "safe" as my PGP keys 
or my KeePassXC password manager?

I need to have the signature image which can be used like a "stamp" and added to any document and 
there may be issues of scaling the size of the image to suit the environment in which it is used.

If anybody can shine more light it would be very much appreciated.


On 31/08/2023 12:48, Philip Jackson wrote:
On 31/08/2023 12:09, Budge wrote:
I am trying to insert a signature line at the end of a spreadsheet and the text which appears in the for name 
and title are much smaller than the font setting for the sheet.  Where is this text font defined and how can 
I change it.  Also the date is not shown although the date option has been ticked for "show date in 
signature line."
Please can somebody advise?

As I understand it, the date is only added when you sign the signature line with a digital 
certificate. The creation of a signature line is a separate activity from the signing of that 
digital line.

When you insert the signature line, it shows your name and status in an image box. If you hover 
over this image box and then right click, the context box shows at the bottom the option to sign 
the signature line.  In order to do that, you must have previously created a digital certificate in 
the form of an X509 certificate which you save in LO.


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