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Hi David

Can't recall ever seeing a "Highlight" button in Calc, I think you mean that you previously added the "Background Color" to the toolbar with the "Customise Toolbar" facility.

I can't offer much to help you restore your original settings, other than to rename/delete your user profile (last resort) but as an alternative:
1. Click the column header.
2. Right click in the highlighted area to open the context menu.
3. Select "Format cells" from the context menu.
Keyboard alternative to steps 2 & 3 is Ctrl + 1
4. In the "Format Calls" dialog click the "Background" tab.
5. Click the "Color" button and choose the required color.
Obviously click OK.

Hope that helps.


-------- Original Message --------
From: David Carter []
Sent: Sunday, July 2, 2023, 14:42 UTC
To: LibreOffice User problems, questions
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Calc - Can't highlight a column and set background shading

Been using Open Office and then LibreOffice since 1993.  Used to use Bugzilla occasionally in the past. . . . This is my first post to this mailing list, to seek support from the community.

I have a spreadsheet I've been using for 3 years.  I modify it occasionally.

I have previously selected a column and clicked the "background highlight" icon with color of yellow selected - that would turn the entire column yellow - it no longer works!

I suspect I "thrashed around" and changed something about the Toolbars that has caused this problem.

I just uninstalled and re-installed Libre Office on my Windows 7 Professional desktop computer - LibreOffice  I did this to get away from any "unintended" changes I may have made.  It did not fix any of the problems noted in the next paragraph.

I also seem to have changed how the toolbars display:  They have the "system blue" background color, the icons seem larger or different, and the "background highlight" tool seems to be different - has black "ab" over yellow line.  See attached screen shot. *_. . . I can no longer highlight a cell or column of cells and change the background to yellow._**_
_**_This is the problem I am reporting and for which I am asking for help._**_
Urgency:  I am "dead in the water" on my number one priority task.

Best wishes,

David Carter
Temple, Texas

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