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On Mon, 26 Jun 2023 22:26:33 -0400 (EDT)
James <> dijo:

Why do you need the most recent as opposed to the ubuntu one?
The most recent means it will take longer before I have to go through
the BS again.

As for the LibreOffice one vs the Ubuntu version, I have mixed
emotions. If you have a problem and post in some LO user forum, mailing
list, or other such place, you often end up with 'you need to use the
real LO release, because <insert distro name> usually messes something
up,' i.e., it's really your fault that this happened, so no sympathy
from here.

The other side of that coin is that Ubuntu has millions or users, and
thousands of very capable developers. It's possible that the LO version
is the one with a problem, a problem that Ubuntu cleverly avoided.

At the moment I managed to get everything working properly again. I
ended up with the Ubuntu version. It works. The end of the drama.

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