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On Tue, 6 Jun 2023 10:50:47 +0100
Angeline Ball <> wrote:

Hi there,
I am in a blind panic.
I am trying to find a writing document I am working on.
I have saved it at various times but really wanted the last one I
worked on. I always save it but can’t seem to find it at the moment.
It usually appears in my desktop I put all of them into a file but
when I open libre it’s not showing the most recent version I worked
on. Can anyone please help me.

In addition to all the other good suggestions, you might want to check
whether there is a backup of it. On my computer everything is under
~/.config/libreoffice and there are many files in a backup directory a
couple of levels down from there. You can check whether backups are
enabled using the Tools/Options/'Load/Save'/General menu/dialog and you
can check the exact place in Tools/Options/Libreoffice/Paths

Thank you,

Sent from my iPhone

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