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I figured it out....sort of.

Here's what I did to fix it;

1- Cut from the document the section that wasn't creating hyperlinks in the TOC. 2- Paste the cut portion in another document and verified that proper hyperlinks were created in the TOC. 3- Cut and pasted that portion from step 2 back into the original document then inserted the TOC.
4- The links now work fine.


On 5/20/23 17:54, W. Robert J. Funnell, Prof. wrote:
I just checked using LO 7.3 under Windows 10 with a document created 2 or 3 months ago, and the TOC 
links work fine, taking me to the appropriate section. I checked with the same document using LO 
6.1 under Debian Linux 10 and the links worked properly there also.
- Robert

From: Tim Lloyd<>
Sent: May 20, 2023 17:17  <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer- table of contents hyperlink problem


I had a quick look at an old writer doc and this works as you explained
it. Fedora 38 with LO

I haven't tried it yet with a new doc


On 21/5/23 01:30, . wrote:
When using Writer I added a table of contents (TOC) and all of the
individual contents lines, when hovering over one, will say
"Ctrl+click to open hyperlink"

However, when doing  a "ctrl-click" and clicking on the link (the
little hand appearing) the link doesn't take me to the page that's
being referred to- it only stays on the link I just clicked.

How can I fix this?



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