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And as if to suggest there may be some sort of mismatch interference
going on, I now find the same mistake about 'reply' as before has recurred.

Sorry again, Alan.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing a row from a spreadsheet
Date:   Mon, 1 May 2023 10:25:23 +0100
From:   Ian Graham <>
To:     Alan B <>

Good morning, Alan and group

Thank you for your continuing interest in this, Alan.

What you describe is what I first attempted, on the basis of using
LibreOffice for many years. However, my original outcome was not as you
described, which is what set me off searching further.

I have now tried again done what you have said, twice, first inserting
the cursor in the first LH cell of the Writer table, and secondly
selecting the whole row. Both times if I simply 'Paste', what I get
seems to be a graphic ie image of the selected part of the spreadsheet,
with no obvious relation to the created table, and no editable capacity.

I am in Trisquel, which is a somewhat ipsative version of Gnu Linux, and
I'm now wondering if that may have something to do with the responses
I'm getting.

And just for the avoidance of doubt, I have found a work-round I can
live with, as I noted in an earlier post.


Ian G.

On 30/04/2023 19:56, Alan B wrote:
Ian, if you reply, please reply to, not
my email. Thank you.

I created a twelve (12) column spreadsheet, A to L, with two rows in
Calc, then selected A1:L2, then copied and pasted it into Write.

That had the same result as you described, columns disappearing off
the right of the page.

HOWEVER, when I created an empty one (1) row, twelve (12) column table
in Write FIRST and then pasted the Calc selection into it (cursor at
R1, C1 of table in Write) both rows were pasted into the table and the
table did not expand beyond the margins of the page.

If you haven't tried creating a blank, one row table in Write, with
the same number of columns as your source spreadsheet, give that a shot.

Create the table in Write. Only need one row but need the same number
of columns as in your source spreadsheet.

Then, copy the rows and columns in the spreadsheet.

And finally paste into R1, C1 in the Write table.

See if that produces the result you're looking for.

Also, if you wish to have an individual one row table in Write for
each item in the catalog, proceed with the copy/paste as described
above. The resulting table in Write will have one row for each row
pasted from Calc.

To separate the rows in Write, put your cursor in any row, then select
Table>Split Table... from the menu. Select the "No heading" option and
click "OK" button. Repeat as many times as you need to break the table
into individual rows.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 6:48 AM Ian Graham <>

    Good morning from Wales, UK

    I am a member of a local Heritage Society which some years ago
    created a
    digital archive of several hundred photographs.

    The archive is indexed in an Excel-type document, which was
    possibly not
    very skilfully formated at the time. The index comprises 12 columns,
    A>L, in an A4 Landscape layout, but the actual document seems to
    rightwards almost to infinity.

    I would now like to create new individual ‘slides’, probably as pdfs,
    uniting each image with the information about it. But I have not yet
    worked out the best method by which to import the information from the

    One difficulty is that a ‘copy’ of a row from the dbase does not paste
    neatly into a new document – it always seems to spill out to the

    The other difficulty is choosing the best method of pasting. I have
    tried all the ‘paste special’ options, and none of them seem to
    offer a
    one-stop-shop route of import.

    I have tried, for instance, creating a new table of 12 equal columns
    that fits on my new page, with the idea of pasting into it, and then
    sorting out the spacings, but I have not yet even found a way of
    so pasting.

    The best method I have come up with so far is simply pasting the
    row as unformated text, and then manually inserting the various
    into the appropriate cell of a new table; which achieves the desired
    result in the end, but is going to be cumbersome over several hundred

    Any suggestions as to the most efficient way to proceed will be


    Ian Graham

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Alan Boba
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