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> How do I cut a block of text between two bookmarks without dragging
> the cursor over it?

Do the following:

1. Place your cursor at the (start of/point of) the first bookmark.
2. In the (bottom) status bar, change the selection mode to "Extending Selection". Yes, it's a thing... 3. Move your cursor to the second bookmark - no need to click or drag anything; the selection will extend with your cursor movement. You can of course scroll and click.

This is not super-convenient, but at least you don't have to drag. Unfortunately, if you try to avoid a lot of scrolling or moving by going directly to the second bookmark (e.g. using the Navigator or the Insert | Bookmarks... dialog), the "Extending Selection" mode will be revert to regular selection.

Perhaps there's an even better way I'm not aware of.

Here are links to a couple of bugs suggesting possible ways of improving the situation (one of which I have just filed):

When clicking a Navigator item while in Extended Selection mode - don't revert to Standard Selection

Allow selecting a range between current cursor position and an element in Navigator with Shift + click


On 23/04/2023 21:08, Chris J. wrote:

This would seem to be a common thing to do for a writer. I'm missing it.

I'm in LO Write. I need to cut a multi-page block of text between two bookmarks, save it and insert the text in a different chapter. The insert is easy part.

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