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Chris -

Were your asterisks separated by spaces? My impression is that any character(s) delimited by white 
space will be counted as a word.

- Robert

From: Chris J. <>
Sent: March 25, 2023 11:00
To: lo user help <>
Cc: Chris Johnson <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LO Writer word counts.

I've known for a while now that LO Writer's words counts and MS Word
counts are close but not the same. I was entering an asterisked scene
break just now and noticed the word count increased by three. A little
experimenting revealed that Writer counted three asterisks as words.
This would account for some of the differing word counts between the
two. I've noticed it happening in other areas I haven't narrowed down yet.

What all exactly does LO Writer count as words? To a story writer words
counts mean something.

Thank you.

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