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On 11/10/22 09:30, James Knott wrote:
On 2022-11-10 12:08, wrote:
I recently installed LibreOffice on my laptop and find that I cannot Save to a USB flashdrive for possible future editing AND delete the document from my laptop. Deleting document on my laptop (in LibreOffice) leaves anything I think I’ve Saved to usb drive blank as well. My wish is to create a document in LibreOffice and save it to usb flashdrive without it remaining on my computer, so that if I wish to edit any of it in the future I can retrieve the document via my usb flashdrive and modify as needed….without its content remaining in my laptop between creation and editing.
Pls help me understand how to do this.Thanks very much!

That sounds like it might be a permissions issue.  Can you write to USB from other apps?

Or it could be that the file system caches data and it hasn't been written to the flash drive before it is removed. Was the correct removal/dismount process followed for  you OS?


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