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On 31/10/2022 03:55, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Den sön 30 okt. 2022 kl 02:13 skrev Steve Edmonds <>:

    On 30/10/2022 10:22, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
    > Den lör 29 okt. 2022 kl 22:48 skrev Steve Edmonds <
    >> On 29/10/2022 12:12, Steve Edmonds wrote:
    >>> On 29/10/22 10:39 am, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
    >>>> Den fre 28 okt. 2022 kl 22:20 skrev Steve Edmonds <
    >>>>> Further to this, if I customise the Edit menu and remove the
    >>>>> command, I cannot add it back in as it does not appear in
    the list of
    >>>>> commands. A reset will see Find back in the edit menu.
    >>>> That's probably a bug. I don't know if anyone reported it,
    but I guess
    >>>> someone should.
    >>> I will check to see if present also on Linux and file a bug. I
    >>> not locate an existing bug for this.
    >> On Linux, I do not seem to loose the ctl-F shortcut to the find
    tool bar.
    > The problem is that when you intentionally REMOVE the shortcut
    for Ctrl+f
    > (Tools → Customization) you can't get it back, since Search is
    nowhere to
    > find. If you can find it, please tell us where, so we also can
    find it. I
    > run Linux (exclusively) and I can not find it.
    On my Linux machine (assuming Tools>Customise is the same as

It is.

    I can remove the shortcut Ctrl+f or change it
    to something else and then delete it but Ctrl+f still activates
    the find
    tool bar.

I just tested that and it doesn't work. Ctrl+f does nothing efter removing it and reset won't bring it back once I left the Customize dialogue. Fortunately I saved my settings before this test, so I could bring it back by reading it back in.
I'm on Ubuntu Studio 20.04 (Xfce), LibreOffice

Did you set this with ”LibreOffice” or ”Writer” checked in the upper right corner on the customize dialogue? When ”Writer is checked”, Ctrl+f is empty, when ”LibreOffice” is selected, Ctrl+f is linked to Find (or Search or whatever it's called in the English version).
    As though it is hard coded.

Doesn't seem to be on my system, at least.
It is worse than I thought.
As the OP was using Calc, I was testing with Calc set in upper right. On my OpenSUSE 15.4 using SUSE repository version of LO Calc ( always goes to the Find dialogue with ctl-F unset or reset. However now trying Writer (and LibreOffice in upper right) this is not the case. As you state above removing it and reset won't bring it back. During the process I set ctl-F = "About LibreOffice" and now this persists in writer after removing it or resetting even though Calc is fine. On the upside I have a handy shortcut if I ever want to check my version of LO whilst in Writer
    On my Mac it cannot be restored
    without a reset.

    >>> Also the fact that cmd-F does not work and cannot be added to
    >>> shortcuts because there is no Find function.
    >>>> Before customizing, you can save your current settings, and then
    >>>> (hopefully) bring them back if something goes wrong. Maybe
    worth to
    >>>> consider next time. :)
    >>>> Kind regards
    >>>> Johnny Rosenberg
    >>>>> On 29/10/22 8:42 am, Steve Edmonds wrote:
    >>>>>> Hi again.
    >>>>>> I am now wondering if the find dialogue is deprecated in
    7.3.6. I
    >>>>>> cannot find it explained in the help.
    >>>>>> When you run the mouse over the find field at the bottom of
    the window
    >>>>>> the pop up tip states "Find text in values, to search in
    formulas use
    >>>>>> the dialog" which may be leading me astray.
    >>>>>> You can use the find/replace dialogue with a number of
    search options,
    >>>>>> are the options you see not working in the find dialogue
    also not
    >>>>>> available in the find/replace dialogue.
    >>>>>> If I close the find tool bar at the bottom of the window,
    >>>>>> will open it again, no Find dialogue.
    >>>>>> Cmd F now opens another strange dialogue requesting search for
    >>>>>> command.
    >>>>>> steve
    >>>>>> On 27/10/22 10:49 pm, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
    >>>>>>> Good evening
    >>>>>>> I just came across something I do not understand (and so
    far could
    >>>>>>> not find being mentioned in the manuals etc.).
    >>>>>>> Using Windows 10, LibreOffice
    >>>>>>> I noticed in Calc that when I try to find something, in
    the find
    >>>>>>> dialog
    >>>>>>> * Match case = greyed out = not working
    >>>>>>> * Formatted display = OK
    >>>>>>> * Entire cells = greyed out = not working
    >>>>>>> * All sheets = OK
    >>>>>>> Now, why would these functions be disabled? I tried to
    find something
    >>>>>>> under tools, but so far without luck.
    >>>>>>> And I am quite sure I was able to search the data with
    Match case
    >>>>>>> checked.
    >>>>>>> I tried to reboot the computer. That did not change
    anything either.
    >>>>>>> 1)    Is there a reason for this behavior?
    >>>>>>> 2)    Is there a way to fix it?
    >>>>>>> Thank you
    >>>>>>> Thomas
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