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At that link I get no download option and a message that the file is in your trash.

On 11/10/2022 12:27, Wade Smart wrote:

I thought I was making headway but just got myself into more of a problem.

The link above is a sample of what Im working with.
In this spread sheet I have hundreds of sections of this that are
added to and updated.

If you click on cell BG4 you'll see the IF hell function that I
continually update (and fix).
This is created by someone else and the IF statement doesnt account
for all the things
that are currently going on but - in general - Section One is B4 to
I4. The entire colored
space from B3 to I13 is the whole section. Each row is calculated by
putting in 1 thru 4 under
each item name, though at the moment, and the reason Im looking to do
this [upgrade] is that
3 and 4 and the coming 5 are not being calculated.

Row 4, B4 to I4 either a 1 or 2 is put in. J4 is the number of items.
Cell BE4 totals all items from each section.

Cell BG4 - currently the massive and incorrect IF statement - adds up
each cell and calculates
a number. In this example, F4 is BL SM and is a 1 so BG is 38. Each
row can have a 1 thru 4
(upcoming 5) in each of the available cells.

Looking at Row 7, Cell BG7 is the start of something I thought would
work but... I got stuck.
And, to be really honest, I got stuck writing this email for help
because - I got lost in trying to
explain this HAHA

Looking at the function in BG7, check if its a number first and then
look up the value of F3 item
1 in Sheet two which is 38. Cell BG8 does the same but shows the
quickly growing IF statement
for getting data for 2 cells.

Question: does someone know of an easier way to do this without
ongoing IF statements?


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